My oncology checkup on Wed. was good. All tests were within normal limits and I return in 3 months.
Really want to attend our revival services this week. The 3 churches are uniting for this and it is only for 3 nights. Audie is already saying he may not go. I get weary of his excuses for never wanting to do anything out of our stale routine. When he does go with me, he usually enjoys it but it is the getting him to decide to do it that is the problem. If I push too hard, he ends up having a bout of arrhythmia and feeling bad for several days. I really don't like going alone but will do it if I must for this.
Lara and family leave tomorrow morning for Branson, MO. where they will vacation until Thursday. Jason is going with them. One afternoon they plan to go visit Jana who lives a short distance from Branson.
I am so very glad that you got a clean bill of health again! God is good! Thank you very much for your comment on my blog about Alexis. I had forgotten that you were a social worker until you reminded me! Thanks so much for your service to Louisiana's children Ann. I'm wondering if you know any good resources or groups for parents of children with RAD?